Friday, October 08, 2004

...they say I'm crazy...

I don't think you realize just how significant it is that I am awake right now, and almost coherent enough to go to work. I can't promise not to fall asleep or make mistakes or be a complete ass, and I can't promise I won't collapse on Aimable's shoulder and pass out - but hey, I'm up. Cheers me.

I feel a little bit like Julia Roberts' character in My Best Friend's Wedding. Tara says I'm insane, picking up on non-existant vibes, but hey, my vibe-sensing is just as good now as it always was (which really doesn't say much, because I don't know head from tails in this love game). The thing is though, that although the girl is every bit as stunning as Cameron Diaz, I am no Julia Roberts.

And I don't even have a gay friend to dance with at the end.

The way that the songs blend together in itunes so that the next song starts just as the previous song is still finishing, the way it does that, I love it. Makes me happy. It's these small touches you know, that puts mac's way up there.