Sunday, December 19, 2004

...bureau des services fiscaux...

The reason they need to have me down in Oakville more often (besides the quite obvious, that it is my favorite place in the world), is because every time I go, the kids learn important life lessons and my name becomes etched in stories that will be told forever more.

Example: Yesterday, as I was leaving the kitchen, I blew Alessia a goodbye kiss. She then very gracefully blew one back. Dorinda smiled wide and laughed, and it was from her reaction that I realized Alessia had never blown a kiss before. And the very first one she ever did, was to me. That's right.

It's my charm, honestly. Young and old, they just eat it up.

At the moment, will be shortly leaving to catch a train back to my downtown and to work. Which means that I will be home in another... 14 hours.