Sunday, December 12, 2004 not operate heavy machinery...

This is a tragedy.

This is also all Google's fault. What are they doing caching old web pages into their memory even after they've been deleted. I am such a loser. LOSER.

So. Reading some old entries from my old blog, circa last year. The tone is gushy, the element high school. I was quite probably the dorkiest thing on the planet. Someone told me that they read the blog last year and somehow got an impression that I was hot. What the fuck? No. Because see, I'm reading it now and the only impression I am getting is 12. So unless that's the kind of thing that floats your boat...

I wish I had known then what I know now - namely, if you are going to talk about the cuteness of a boy, do not use full name.

At this point I'm going to go hide my head in the sand for a millenia or two.