Sunday, December 12, 2004

...the earrings are in kenya?...

The world according to me:

As any girl will tell you, there is more than one plane of existence. There is the here and now, there is the floating meander stage, and there is Cloud 9. As of today, I have surpassed all three and am somewhere up around Cloud 32. Because his favorite thing in the world is long, dark, curly hair (which I have in spades), so by extension, his favorite thing in the world is me. Appropriate sparks are flying, and things start to move.

Also, have discovered the Secret to Men. They are inherently simple creatures, underneath it all. Not far removed from the three year-olds to whose parents I sell books on a daily basis. And just as little boys like the interactive toys the best, I have learned that the bigger boys like the interactive everything else. Accordingly, my black sweater with the row of buttons all the way down one side and sleeve scored a big hit. It's like Christmas, you unwrap (unbutton) and look! a surprise.

Other happenings and doings-on:
i) Dinner with Tara at delicious Indian place we know, she came early so she could see the boy and give the Official friendship seal of approval. Seal of approval was got, and how.

ii) Saw my girl, she has Hell Day on Monday hence the missing in action. But everything is swell and I will see her again Monday.

iii) Ran into Olivier and had a nice walk and chat with him. He reminded me of a time when I had blogged his impending death at my hands for allegedly hurting a friend of mine. Oh, those were the days... He is a sweet boy, that one. And a smart cookie.

iv) Working tomorrow from 11-3, then 5-11. Will then be going home to collapse and die. Bronchitis appears to be getting worse, and antibiotics have odd aftertaste. Muscles in back ache without Morgan to give massage, but my managers love me and gave me more hours. We sold out of Stella, hope to get more. I bought lime green nailpolish, but am out of Q-Tips. Some of these are obviously just reminders to myself, please disregard.