Tuesday, December 14, 2004

...i am the book man (coo coo cachoo)...

I'm probably going to regret this at some point later in the day, maybe around 6pm or so when I'm nearing the part of my shift which is almost over but still a long ways to go and it feels longer and longer till you almost can't stand it - so yes, I'm definately probably going to regret this at some point later in the day, because I am just waking up right now.

I crashed into bed at 10:30, only to wake up at 3:30. This was only partially deliberate. I knew I wanted to wake up earlier, but I thought maybe around 6 or so, and get some studying in. Suddenly I jerk awake and sleep is a non-happening again, and here I am awake. No one on MSN, and when that happens that's when you feel really alone in the world. I mean, I could be the only person awake in the whole world right now. Couldn't I?

A few things to mention:
i) I love my boss - my "big" boss, the boss lady. Love her. Chatted with her about kids' books for almost an hour in kids yesterday, recommended some books to her. We talked about how the department needs some changes, organization, sprucing up. She says she wants my input. Later, heard her telling the GM that I'm wonderful, la la la.

ii) The thing about starting something with someone this week is that it is making studying for my law and morality very very difficult. Except now for the next two days I really am being studious and responsible and so I am going to have no contact until Thursday at which point he'll pick me up post-exam. He gets to be my celebration, and such.

iii) Did you know? - If you work a stat holiday, you get paid double time and a half. Boxing Day is going to be *good* to me this year.

I know I usually blog more than I have been this week, but this is the general expanse of my day: wake up at 8am, eat breakfast, go to work all day, done at 8:30pm, go to library/extended study hours at Burwash and study, get home 11 or midnight. That's a very long day to have on a continuous basis and at that point you hate anything that requires an iota of brain power. So, minimal blogging until done with craziness.