Thursday, June 01, 2006

...the unholy sounds...

How to make love stay is what Tom Robbins was preoccupied with. I'm more concerned about making it go. By which I mean, what started out a simple casual stupid flirty crush has developed into something problematic and that definately has only me getting hurt in its future. And everything would be just fine if he would just not talk to me, and not smile at me, and not do that thing where he is actually listening to me? If he could just refrain from any of those things, then we would be golden. But one step out of line, and I'm entirely off-kilter and WHY is this an issue? I believe I warned at least two of my friends that the second I even thought about this as something even remotely possible, they should perform violence on me. What kind of friends are you?!

I'm done now. And am going upstairs to hang out with Alessia and Luca. Maybe that will knock some sense into me - kids tend to bring out the rationality like that.