Monday, February 21, 2005 as emergency beacon, guiding light...

Well. It's certainly gratifying to see that you people are paying attention after all. Several emails were awaiting me this morning, wanting to be my answer-giving saviours, my tow-truck drivers through mazes of emotional rubble. "When did our dynamics change?! Aren't we friends anymore?", they ask, as if the week or so between our last conversations have shifted the nature of the whole world, realizing that my friendships are the whole world. Only one of my fair-intentioned correspondants was on the ball, but I was comforted immeasurably by the thought that I have so many concerned friends. Or at least, so many curious friends wanting to know all the low-down secrets of my past.

Pause: In a very strange conversation just now, a friend of Adele's who I have never met called me to ask about laptop advice. She didn't even give me her name, just "I'm a friend of Adele's and I'm buying a laptop. She said you could help me decide between an ibook and a powerbook?" It was very odd.

Now where was I? Oh yes, my dirty shady past. oooooooo ooooh. No, really it isn't that dark and mysterious. I'm still the boring me of old.

In other news, I could wait until tomorrow to see you and thus be sane and responsible. Or I could drop all my other plans and show up tonight, thus seeing you three times in one week instead of just two, making me happier and more bright-eyed? There is of course the chance that you'll just think I'm nuts, but I'm willing to risk that. If only because you strike me as the kind to find it endearing and not wierd. Yay crazy people! Three cheers!