Friday, February 18, 2005 move and the whole garden moves...

i) Justin's CD release party tonight - blew my mind. Such an incredible performer, he has such presence. No one else could pull off standing on a chair in the middle of a packed club, singing without a mike, no amp for his guitar and around him silence as the whole club waits to take his cue to sing along.

And Lizzy was officially the Cutest. Massive amounts of capitals. Huge.

ii) My room is a disaster zone, I am not going to bed until it is clean.

iii) An email from AM this morning, telling me he's "uncomfortable admitting it" but he misses me a lot; can we hang out tomorrow night? Maybe he'll make me dinner, he says. Ack. No amount of finesse can maneouvre this one. Never the ones you want -- the ones you want are the ones who go suddenly silent at an invite and manage to squeak out "okay well have a great day... talk to you later" before they turn tail and run.

iv) I am equal parts excited and sad about moving home next year. Excited because I get the entire basement apartment for me, nice and private and get to save oogles of money. Sad because I'm going to miss my roommates and all the funness of us - arts and crafts in the middle of the night, hobo fires, salami sandwiches, and matrix-style martial arts with lightning.