Tuesday, December 28, 2004

...on liberal attitudes (otherwise known as "all hail the year of the sloot")...

It would be nice to come home to an empty house, clean and have no dishes to wash since I'm the only one here and the house was to have been empty-ish since Saturday. Alas, coming home tonight the sink was full of dishes (not mine) and what I took to be tea leaves? So, to whomever of my roommates left for home having left countless cups of leftover tea in the sink for someone else to clean up - said kitchen sink being clogged due to excess tea leaves - you deserve to be drawn and quartered. Because only having 1 hour from when I get home to clean AND make myself (more) beautiful before the time when The Boy1 (henceforth to be capitalized because the coolness is paramount) is coming over, tea leaves were an unforseen disaster I could have done without.

Empty houses are so nice sometimes though. (Although only sometimes - because generally this week I have missed my roomies SO much).

1Aside to Rachel: We thought about the whole morality/immorality, following sensation/thinking clearly bit and decided to go with the flow. I'm a big girl. I will sow my oats and then reap them. You know what I mean. And should I live to regret it, well so will it be. And should I be a font of hypocrisy... well so be that too, because he's cute and I want. Ok? I'll think about the rest tomorrow