Saturday, December 25, 2004

...times a go go...

Having just finished "Of Love and other Demons", Gabriel Garcia Marquez is moving ever higher on my list of favorite authors. I thought of Farnam and her long flight today, hoping she has good reading material for the ride.

Watched Mean Girls, and the truth in the movie made me cringe. Is this really how our society is?

Am currently waiting for my daddy to come home with chelo kabob from Zaffron, staring miserably at my lonely, silent cellphone, and hoping the two Tylenol extra strength I took an hour ago kick in soon and diminish my third migraine of the week. Also wondering why exactly I have had three migraines this week. The word on the street is that I have a vertebrae out of alignment. What does that mean, is it related to my headaches, and how can I make it go away?

Oh yes, and Merry Christmas.