Saturday, December 25, 2004

...salam alaikum!...

The call came around 2am, waking me. Slumbering voice I answer and someone asks for Jackie. They sound a little bit drunk, and I have to say twice that there is no Jackie here before they understand they have the wrong number. "I'm so sorry!", the voice on the other end says, "Go back to bed, Merry Christmas!" I hang up, thinking that's the end of it, and go back to bed.

Two minutes later, the phone rings again. "You know I really am sorry" he says "I know how obnoxious it is to be called by wrong callers late at night". Well if you know how that feels, I'm thinking, why are you still calling me?

Somehow we start chatting. His name is Sean/Shawn and he was trying to call his sister's new number but had mistaken one of the numbers. After around 20 minutes, I asked him shouldn't he leave and go call his sister, if she was expecting his call? He said yeah probably, then said "Hey I know your number now. I'll call you, okay?" Sure, I said, why not? He sounded cute.