Wednesday, December 22, 2004

...can i start a fitting room for you?...

The elements of the movie Ocean's 12 which can never, ever be justified:

i) Julia Roberts playing Tess playing Julia Roberts.
ii) Bruce Willis playing himself talking to Julia Roberts playing Tess playing Julia Roberts about Sponge Bob Squarepants.
iii) Vincent Cassel two-stepping through a laser field (to a really hot euro track)
iv) Catherine Zeta Jones

What a waste of cheap-movie night. Although I would have been much more disappointed had I paid full price. Tomorrow I will be paying full price for another movie - I hope it is better worth it.


About to leave Rachel at the subway, she's antsy because I made her walk outside (it was really warm). Exasperated she says "well at least can you walk me to Yonge/Bloor so I don't have to worry about transfers and things?"

I sigh.

"Rachel", I say, "look at the street sign above you". She does, and then sheepishly looks down.

"Can we never ever mention this to anyone ever?" she asks, embarassed.
"Sure baby" I promise.