Tuesday, December 07, 2004

...her mocking smile said it all...



Funny things from Amy, the Dartmouth queen. I want to go to Dartmouth - they're the cool Ivy League. Snazzy and fun, where the frats are classy and throw cocktails instead of keggers.

Reading people's blogs, comments this morning, remembering reading Rob's slightly raunchy comic, my guy friends discussions when we're at a bar... it occurs to me that I am way too innocent for all of this. I feel like life needs a parental advisory sticker or something, and then I would avoid it.

I'm relaxing so nicely in my room, candles lit, Suzanne Vega playing in the background - you would think I would be tense. You would think with an exam in an hour and another tomorrow I would be a little less mellow.

You would think.