Monday, December 06, 2004

...ish a toof hug...

i) "This is a really great argument. I'm glad you made it".

So in the midst of the criticisms, I get good comments too. This made me happy, and I felt I wasn't a complete idiot. Yay to finished essays, and my friends who are essentially the best in the world.

ii) Me and Sebastien became fast friends today -- he is an adorable 4-year old who spent a lot of time in my section today after three times wandering away from his mother. The first time, she noticed and went berserk up in fiction, before I saw him curled in a corner of storytime reading Polar Express. The next two times, she didn't notice until either I or the manager on duty walked Sebastien up to her, flirting with the cashier and browsing coffee table books.

There are some people who should not be parents. I mean it, I think we should have licenses. This woman was so obnoxious and cold, and careless. When we told her to keep an eye on her son, she said "Oh it's alright, we had an arrangement. He would walk around for 10 minutes, then meet me here." I'm sorry. Did I miss something? Does your 4-year old know how to tell time, and have a watch? What's to stop him from walking out of the store, or someone walking out with him? It took me two minutes to become friends with him and chat with him about books. If I'd told him to come with me for some ice cream, he would have. What if someone else had done that, and taken him from the store? YOU STUPID WOMAN either keep your legs shut, or fucking be a parent.

iii) A random customer told me I was beautiful. And it made me happy and I felt special... then Rob said "yeah he said that to Sara upstairs too... I think he's just a creeper". Fine. Be that way.

iv) My throat hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts. I want a doctor and drugs and more drugs and sleep, and possibly some green tea, if only I had honey.