Tuesday, December 07, 2004

...the culture concept...

Yes, I definately love being berated like a 2-year old. Fine. In the future, no enthusiasm of any kind - just the emergence of the Ice Queen, a la Bridget Jones and Farnam after her clandestine staff-room smooching.

I spent a lovely calm evening with my parents, eating Swiss Chalet and chatting and getting me soup because I am sick and they took care of me. Then my mother and I went shopping - among the purchases:

- gray jap socks, thick and comfy and slouchy and rachel-like
- the hottest black/white newsprint negligee and matching bikinis, from Joe Boxer
- a charcoal gray peacoat with black bullet buttons and a hood
- black thick wool trousers
- beige plaid wool-blend trousers that are so soft they are unbelievable. I don't want to wear them, I just want to snuggle them.

I was so excited because I received a phone call from the new Dr. Anahita, and then Amrit showed up at the most inconvenient time to go over anthropology so I had to leave her. But I will talk to you in a couple days, love.

There's a slim slim slim chance that the wonders of nepotism will land me a administration/clerking job with a law firm in Toronto. Fingers crossed, salt over shoulder. That kind of thing.