Monday, December 06, 2004

...wear the white for peace, love...

For as long as I was at Thornhill, Shulman had insisted on having a school-wide memorial assembly every December 06 to honour the women who were murdered at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal 15 years ago. He fought for it in the face of our idiot administration who did not see the point.

Every year we also spearheaded the Walk Against Male Violence, a massive region-wide fundraiser run by Thornhill to raise money for shelters for abused women, like the Yellow Brick House and Covenent House.

It really surprised me this morning to see that The Toronto Star had only one brief mention of the massacre and memorial in its online paper today, hidden in the sidebar. The article was also remarkably brief, outlining some events to be held around the city today, but never once even mentioning the names of the women who were killed that day.

Anne-Marie Edward
Anne-Marie Lemay
Annie St-Arneault
Annie Turcotte
Barbara Daigneault
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz
Genevieve Bergeron
Helene Colgan
Maryse Laganiere
Maryse LeClair
Maud Haviernick
Michele Richard
Nathalie Croteau
Sonia Pelletier

Many Canadian students might recognize immediately the name of the shooter, Marc Lepine. But it's really the names of these women that shouldn't be forgotten. If we forget, we risk letting something like this happening again.

Wear your white ribbons today -- you can get them at many stores and coffeehouses. Wear them realising that we are the only ones who can stop violence against women from occurring.