Saturday, November 13, 2004 suffered for your sanity...

The thing about working in Indigo is that you are constantly faced with great books from authors like Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, who was born in the same year as me, making her 20 years old with half a dozen published novels. And they are good.

So essentially i feel useless and unaccomplished with a sense of doom hanging over me. Really, what have I ever done? What *will* I do? Ugh... I feel deplorable. And utterly pitiable, which is NOT me.

The thing about adorable Italian boys in leather jackets who are sweet and funny, and did the "motorcycle-gang" handshake with me earlier is that I love them... and damn this is such an inconvenient time. Oh, but you are a sweet.

Other things:

i) I hate hospitals. I hate hospitals. I hate hospitals. And also, Russian lab technicians who yelled at me, and were mean, and hurt. I'M the sick one, you jerk. Be nice.

ii) Chipped a tooth on something hard in my sandwich, then had to throw it out because there shouldn't have been anything hard in my sandwich, and so I was scared. This will teach me to buy sandwiches from that sketchy place in the Cumberland Terrace mall, under the subway.

iii) I TKO'd the Teen Fiction section at work. Had two dozen books to shelve, and they said it couldn't be done. Said there wasn't any room. Well, this girl got it done. Then, later, Morgan told me that I'm doing really well here and he's pleased. Which made me pleased. But honestly (and I'm only a teeeeny bit tooting my own horn here) I knew I was on the right track because I was talking to Manda earlier and she has been here two months and is still being shuffled around w/o a permanent posting, and I asked and was granted kids last week, in my second week. Also, all the managers and most of the staff already know my name. Also, the head manager and one of the others learned, and remembered, and asks about the charity that I also work for. All good signs. Yay me.

iv) There is a book called "Tony and Me" by Georg Bush (and yes, it's spelled that way), as told to Dr. Parsons (fictional name, I believe). It's hilarious. And obviously not by George Bush, but oh lord, do you guys have to read it, or what.