Wednesday, November 10, 2004 in paperback for the first time...

i) I spend a lot of time walking these days - between classes, to work, to friends places, to the library. When I walk, I think. When I think, I plan. This week I have a lot to plan. Among other things, planning of a fundraiser, my personal attempt. Collectively, we have around 9 months to raise $300,000, and I have never been more motivated to do something in my life.

My personal fundraiser is going to take the form of a vow of silence, significant for two reasons. Important because it was like Joe's thing, you know? The vow of silences. Important also because as a fairly... vocal person, it will be interesting for me to do two weeks of silence. That's right, I mean silence. This will also mean no blogging during that time, as that is a form of communication as well.

I am going to be speaking to my work manager as well, to see if there is anyway they can support me in this. I will be asking them for one of two things: to either donate one day's profit to this fundraiser, or to match what I raise in pledges.

This will all be going to the legacy, by the way, which is the scholarship fund for youth who want to travel and do development work and cannot afford to do so.

ii) We had an argument just now in my house about the Cat in the Hat of all things. About whether it is indeed a cat, or not. Daniel says not, and asks "Is the Jack in the Box always a Jack? Maybe it's a Fred". Ashley says yes, otherwise it wouldn't be a Cat in the hat, but a something-else. Somehow, the final conclusion before the resting of the defense was that Dr. Seuss intended with the Cat in the Hat to teach us not to make arbitrary designations because doing so leads to communism.

It's okay, I was confused too.

iii) My life is one big game of Broken Telephone, but eventually I got the message that Alex wanted to talk, and so I tried to find his number and couldn't, and then tried to email him and I hope he gets it, and otherwise I will show up at lower houses tomorrow, and that will be that. Because I too want to talk, and chill, but don't want to be back in the office because that's too much of the same and I need small doses. But Alex will be just lovely.

iv) The War-Child concert is on Saturday, and I will finish studying before then and I will be there. For War Child, and for Matthew, and for me. Oui?