Thursday, November 25, 2004

...they should let people tell their own stories...

Margaret Atwood got it into her head that she wants to write children's stories - and so, this month's feature at my store is Bashful Bob and Doleful Dorinda. Now I should explain that I had trouble following this book - so how she expects a 5 year old to read, understand and enjoy it is beyond me. The entire book is written in alliteration - alternately with the letter B and D. How many 5 year olds do you know who know the words "doleful", "blathering", "delectible" and "barnacle". I didn't even know barnacle, except that it brought a visual reference of an old drunk sailor to my head (this is the fault of TinTin by the way - "blistering barnacles!") Some people shouldn't be allowed to write for children.

I think the only thing worse I've seen in the Kids section is those silly books by Madonna, which have absolutely no literary merit that I can discern.

In other news, there is nothing more amusing than a white Jew rapping to something written by a bespectacled Serb. Long live Slick Tatum, and the Alex.

Also, I make too much of small things. Very very much of very very small things. Well, okay they aren't that small, but still they aren't the end of the world. Unless, of course, they are. But even then it will have been a fun ride? Hmm... we shall think on this some more.