Tuesday, November 23, 2004

...drink the milk up, i want more...

Standing outside Pratt with Lizzy and Dee, talking about Monday night and running around the city to see our various crushes. The Rex for Dee's, Cameron for Lizzy's and I mention that we won't be running around to see mine. So it's decided the girls will come to the play on Saturday to see mine and then we will kidnap him and bring him around with us on Monday.

In the midst of this we hear a ploop and Dee flips out because a bird has just relieved himself on her head and hair. In the madness which follows, I'm reminded of another night, long ago and another Dee, who announced in front of all and sundry, including Mike the Waiter that she had been just shat on by a parrot.

Oh the memories...

Speaking with Paul Templin, manager of Hart House Theatre and asking him if he's heard mention of this play - he says that it's not one of theirs and so doesn't know much about it, but it does ring a bell... wait! Someone had emailed him about it. And so he reads the email where someone mentions they had just seen a dress rehearsal of it and it's incredible with committed, convincing performances, and is an edgy production bordering on controversial. So I am now horribly intimidated because it turns out that in addition to being incredible and sweet, the boy is also an amazing actor and talent, and I'm the blah. So, essentially, he's not going to be interested in dating me for real for real, and I will be crushed and grow old with my blah cats and potted plants.

What is it me with actors? This is number 3. It's interesting to me, these patterns -

I spent a minor amount of money at H & M today, but when I return later this week, it will be to spend a more obscene amount. That store is a danger with flashing lights and ringing bells. Or should be.

A wave of nausea has been settling uncomfortably around me the past two days, and I would like to know why or what I did to deserve these illnesses one after another after another. This is uncomfortable, and a little scary. Nausea is my worst-handled of symptoms, I cannot reconcile.