Thursday, November 25, 2004


I'm sitting in Pratt Library wondering why I can't get any work done. I look around me and see the walls of glass, the black leather arm chairs, the wood and metal table tops, lots of white paint and cursive writing on the walls - that's when it hits me: this is a lounge, not a library! Why are they misleading people?

I love how Victoria College always has to be this avant-garde, pretentious, rich-bitch institution - where even their libraries are new and bright and drooling in money.

These are the people I ran into/saw from a distance this morning in Queen's Park and vicinity:

The boor
That girl from my economics class last year

As I was leaving Northrop Frye I ran into another friend of mine and he said that he almost didn't notice me, that I was disappearing. Afterwords I spent 15 minutes looking at myself in the bathroom mirror trying to see what he'd seen (or lack thereof) which led him to say that to me. I concluded that I am not, in fact, disappearing. I haven't even lost any significant weight recently so that can't be it. So now I'm wondering if maybe, just maybe, if you feel as if you're disappearing, and are so deep in your head that you aren't really participating in the world, maybe you stop being as visible to the world. Maybe I'm thinking too much these days, worrying too much, and the deeper I go into these endless, direction-less thoughts, the less I appear to exist in this tangible world external to me.

Then I thought, nah that's crazy talk.