Sunday, November 28, 2004

...seeking someone to save my soul...

Canadian immigration officials are holding an Iranian-born Dutch Kurd in prison in Toronto on a seeming pretense of having misrepresented himself to authorities: he said he was coming to visit families, they say he was coming to marry his fiancee and find work here, to stay.

When he arrived, he had in his possession 30 copies of a book about a Kurdish-Iranian revolt against the Iranian regime back in the 80's. Don't you wonder if that had anything to do with his detainment?

Children. It was a book. Since when does Canada, a country that claims to protect civil liberties and freedoms of expression and thought, persecute someone for possessing books, whether they hold communist content or not. It is interesting to note that the book he had on him is widely published in Europe, and that neither of the two organizations he is suspected of being involved with, "Komala" and "Sorbedaran", are banned in Canada.

I am getting increasingly fed up with this country. Pierre Pettigrew pisses me off, Martin isn't impressing me much (and I will be watching very carefully what happens next week when Bush is here). Everything these days is frustrating me, and my inefficacy to create change and lack of knowledge of how considerably exacerbates these feelings.