Sunday, November 28, 2004 you suppose that i would come running (you know i would)...

Tonight Daniel and I went to the play to support the boy - seeing a really sweet amazing guy, in a really scary role with profane language and adult themes (interrogation scenes + homo-erotic insinuations) was definately not fun. It took all of Daniel's finesse to persuade me he's just a really good actor, and really isn't scary because I was definately wavering.

But it did lead to the two of us making a very interesting bet involving a salami sandwich - and I really hope he wins.

Two nights ago I had a disturbing dream with awkward implications - in it, the second actor (for it was a two-man show) was Steve. In the dream, I went to see the boy but left with Steve.

Upon arriving at the theatre, and browsing through the program (which played the interesting trick of only showing the actors first names), we saw that the second actor's name was Steve. At this point, witness me flipping out. Thankfully, it didn't turn out to be Steve, but "a" Steve, which saved me from the awkward choice of correctness vs. temptation. This is good, because I have a horrible tendency to yield to temptation when the opportunity arises so it is best when the opportunity doesn't occur.

This naturally just showed me that I'm still disturbingly intrigued by Steve, that damn boy.

P.S. I hate actors - I really do. They are so dramatic, and wierd. I'm talking about all black clothes and strange modern movement in the pre-show, and some girl incorporating her hair into the act. It was all very... incomprehensible.

P.P.S. That is clearly a lie - I love actors, as my record will attest. I do hate the crush phase though, because it occupies your head a good deal. 'Night.