Friday, September 10, 2004

...the sun is out for another day...

HAHAHAHAHA fuck you diabetes, once more I have foiled your evil plans for me. You haven't found me yet, mother fucker.

Blood sugar NORMAL baby. N-O-R-M-A-L. First time in almost seven weeks, oh. yes.

AND now I don't have to go back for three weeks. A brief respite from my once weekly blood tests. It's good, I was running out of samples anyway. I can only give so much! So hopefully this means that my body is decided to behave itself, and I have yet to cross the line from "idiomatic hypoglycemia" to "diabetic".

In other news:

i) There is a new tweed coat in my closet. By that I mean in a garment bag on the floor of my mother's house because I am currently there.
ii) I need to sit and think and write something that really should be said vocally, personally but is hindered by a complicated distance.
iii) I bought a CD today after telling myself I wouldn't. And I promised myself so faithfully too! But I listened to the first track in HMV and it was hot. And then I said, okay, if the next three are all good, then I will buy it, but only then. And then the next three were all good, and so I had to buy it. But really, what are the chances of that?
iv) The CD was Finally Woken by Jem. She is British. Very cute, very cool.