Thursday, September 09, 2004


If you're going to say sentences like "what's the big deal about porn? it's good for you", you need to be able to back it up. Otherwise, you come off like a chauvinistic dick-thinking manwhore, and such.

Incidentally, there seems to be no shortage of these kinds of males in my surroundings. I should probably hang out with different people.

I should probably have said no to this kegger tomorrow night. What was I thinking? I need to find the keys to my room before tomorrow, it seems.

First day of class 2004: T-minus 2 hours and 15 minutes. *shudder*

Also: There are some questions that sorely need answers. With the days getting shorter and the leaves falling around you, there is uneasiness that you are running out of time. What's changing around you now is to be celebrated, not feared. And you'll soon see why.
- From the Toronto Star horoscopes