Sunday, September 05, 2004

...oh, that is a big reptile...

My niece can do a perfect imitation of the Indian from Master of Disguise. She's 10 and a born comic. She's also one inch away from being the same height as me. Fucking scary man.

Alessia is still as ever the love of my life. I high-tailed my ass to Oakville this weekend to get some time in with the baby, and man, my heart is melting. She has learned to give kisses "Alessia, dona-me baccino" and is perfectly content to sit in my lap and chew on my face. Good, so I have become a teething tool. So be it. I decided that to wait another three weeks to a month in between visits will not be endured - so I'm going to go back this weekend. Done and done.

I'm going to go to Middle House tomorrow - Derelito will be back, and so will Noah. Melissa Melissa, where is she? That is what I want to know. I need my Meliss. This will not be condoned. If you are Melissa and realize that I am talking to you, umm... call me? Yes, that will be lovely.

If you are a certain other person... umm... you call me too. Right. Now.

Thank you, and good night.

Oh wait two more things:

i) An article in the Toronto Star about the 1988 slaughter in Iran, courtesy of Kaveh. This article really is more important than a footnote on a random entry - but I'm too braindead to write something more extensive at the moment. If you wait, it will come.
ii) The song "sway" by Michael Buble - download please, all of you, quickly.
iii) Mark says my word is like "some non-carbon composite". I disagree - just because I told him I would visit Middle on Saturday, then forgot and ran away to do the family thing.