Thursday, September 02, 2004 reduce me to cosmic tears...

Javod says he'll "heart me forever".


I know you wish that was you.

It's just a ploy though you know, insincere. I'm being used for my technological commodities. And such.

Kristen says I'm glowing today. I suppose I am. It has been an odd couple of days, and gonna get odder I am sure. The drama isn't intentional, I swear. It just seems to find me somehow. I think, this week, I just might have stolen the crown from Deanna. Speaking of which, I need to see her soon. I'm feeling Dee-prived. (haha, did you catch my crazy wit? oh boy).

I sat down and memorized his phone number today, just so John Mayer couldn't relate to me. Rachel knows what I'm talking about.

Bye darlings, the world is malleable, inconsistent. Go wrap it around your little finger, and play.