Sunday, August 29, 2004

...i'm not impressed with your big screen eyes...

I was being magnanamous. I was being kind/generous something to that effect. A word I can spell properly, but means the same.

Tara: "Have you told Melissa yet?" The crucial point. No, I hadn't told Melissa yet. Going to Olivia's wedding with the Drew, I figured I would give her a little time to have an amazing time before wailing into her with the latest in a string of stupid mistakes for her to advise me through.

Do you understand that her advice was singularly completely comforting and completely LOGICAL? It still requires me to get past this barrier of nerves (the cure to which Tara found: "throw back a couple of drinks first"), but for the most part, completely amazing advice. I said I would at 6pm, but it's past that and I still haven't. But soon children, soon. Promise.