Thursday, August 26, 2004

...hoping i would see the world with both my eyes...

So apparently my vision is worse than I thought. We've been having trouble with the seeing, you see, and so a return was made to the Dr. Casey, he of the gorgeousness and charisma. I used to be a patient of his until moving to Thornhill, at which point we transferred to some nobody here. When he was proven inept, we trekked downtown, now more convenient due to my living there.

The new developments:

i) I am not only quite myopic, but I have astigmatism (sp?) and something else that means I have sucky vision.
ii) I'm partially colourblind, and have a distinguishing between colours ability of somewhere around 40%.
iii) I had been wearing the wrong size lenses. The ones Thornhill-man gave me were 4 points to large. Small pupils. You know.

An interesting theory that Dr. Casey put forth that we are testing - possibly the reason I always have trouble seeing street signs and things clearly is not necessarily because it is too far away, but maybe I am not distinguishing the colours well! Excellent - a solid-proof excuse to avoid driving.