Sunday, August 22, 2004

...there is a love in me raging...

About 30 seconds into the aerial trapeze, I swear I stopped breathing and didn't start again until all 6 artists were back safely on the ground.

When the girl in blue had all of 5 hula hoops around her, spinning and curving and swivelling them in different directions, different speeds, my heart skipped a beat. Several of them.

The little boy with the fuzzy hat who was a recurring character and token artist had me melting and swooning over him.

Then there was the sheer beauty of the gymnast on the two metal stands, who had such fine smooth lines and blurred all the rules of how a body should move and what positions possible to hold.

Do you know I bought my tickets to Alegria back in December? But oh, it was such a worthy thing to wait for. And a new show is coming next year!

After the performance, Afsi took us to Marche for dinner and on the way to our table I passed by another that was familiar to me, times long past. There was a couple sitting there, smiling and laughing. I wished them luck.