Wednesday, August 25, 2004

...didn't have a camera by my side this time...

i) You people wound me. Comments have been sorely lacking. I say that I write this shit for myself, but it's all a lie. A horribly convoluted one. Really, I'm just an attention whore and want your comments. By which I mean your hearts and minds and you know, your souls and stuff - all conveniently packaged in your brief words. Ignore me. I'm tired and nonsensical at the moment.

ii) My ex-boyfriend tried to pick up Bridget on the subway. I don't think he realized (what am I saying, of course he didn't, how could he) that she was one of my closest friends. Or that his reputation preceded him. Or that she would get off the train later shaking her head and laughing and would relate the tale to me over chocolate peanut butter milkshakes. "Hey beautiful", he said in a note he gave her as he exited stage left, "I think you're gorgeous. Give me a call".

iii) There is a chance I will never live down the shame of the following exchange.

Me: Bartek you are so inept.
Bartek: I don't think so - I think your ineptness is rubbing off on me.
Me: What are you talking about? I'm very... ept.

Witness Aimable and Bartek breaking into simultaneous laughter.

iv) There are people who always make you feel good by virtue of being brilliant and charismatic and funny and kind - and I'm having a drink with one of them next week. Surprises of surprises, they are in Toronto as we speak.

That last bit rhymed. Did you catch that? Ngyehhg... I need to go to bed now. Such an eloquent ending, I know.