Tuesday, September 07, 2004

...white flip flops from HELL...

I love Ashley, but man sometimes...

The thing is that she is the kind of person who wants everything perfect, everyone happy, everyone friends. But you gotta understand that no matter what you try and do, there are some relationships that will not get fixed, and you just have to let it go and move on. It is NOT the end of the world that I am not friends with one person, nor he with me. It's not hurting either of us, as forcing a friendship would probably do. Just chill man, and let me chill. We were doing so nicely.

In other news, sometimes I wish I was rich enough to live the lives of the Holt Renfrew display mannequins. If they lived the way they are portrayed, I mean.

In yet other news - it has been three days since Saturday. Saturday of the phone call, do we remember? I. am. still. waiting.

PS: And yes, Elham *clearly* wins. Good girl, that one. Bright. She figured me out.