Tuesday, September 28, 2004


i) My So-Called Life is re-running on Family at 11pm. I don't know if it's an every night thing, but I hope it is. Watched it tonight and went ballistic with memories and lovey-dovey feelings. And seriously, Jordan Catalano was my every adolescent fantasy embodied. Mmmm...

ii) The ibook is being acquired on Friday, and I love my parents so much, and I do not deserve them. I feel guilty because it's not a need but a want that will make my life infinitely more convenient - these guilt feelings will subside the instant I pay them back completely, and I will.

iii) The guy behind me in Law and Morality - beautiful. Philosophizes so prettily. Utilitarian this, hedonistic that, Kant, Hegel, love me, love me, love me... And actually, too sweet for words. He's fighting with C the french boy for the position of Coolest Guy with whom I have class. And he has an ibook. After I get mine on Friday, we can be ibook buddies!

Yes, I really am this lame.

iv) I think I saw every single person I hate on campus on St. George today, minus one. It's funny because as each one was seen, I got progressively more annoyed and I'm sure Janet didn't know what to do with me.

v) Single most newsworthy element of the day? Running into Tara, and finally speaking to Meliss. I miss my girls - and so, they will be seen. Tomorrow. It is decided, and will be done.