Saturday, September 25, 2004 it any wonder i can't sleep...

The ennui I've been submerged in the past, oh, forever, seems to have disappated in the face of my new plan. A new ideology if you will.

I'm doing the "better man plan", something started by Mark, Terry and Mike last year which they followed through on for about three days. The basic premise: eat better, workout, study, work hard, and have integrity. The one modification I made to it? BE NICE. I have to be nice. The days of me as self-important bitch are over.

First step in the plan: called Derek last night and told him to get everyone together and come to O'Grady's. On the message I left him I was very clear (but he didn't get my gist anyway): I said invite everyone, no exceptions. Seriously, no exceptions.

I came to the realisation that hey, it's a new year, I'm a new person. People make mistakes and I can't resent them for it forever, especially considering the make-up of our crew and the fact the we are really one crew and there was the potential of always-awkward in the air. In the past I've been the kind to hold grudges forever. But no more! At least in public anyways.

The other modification to the BMP - no guys. I need to cleanse if you will, refresh, and do the independence thing. I'm not good at that. I have to learn to stand on my own two and not constantly have a guy. I need to get work done, hold down two jobs and get my act together without any distractions from guys. That goes for talking/blogging about guys too. You won't see it, because there will be nothing to discuss. Got it? Good.

The last bit, maybe the hardest one. Limited drinking, no smoking. Done and done.

That's it, the plan. Thoughts?

Incidentally, you have now seen the factors to explain any irritability I express in the coming days/weeks. Just so you know.