Tuesday, September 28, 2004

...what are you, new?...

This post had to be changed. It was frustrating me. Because although Javod is right and I *am* cute when I'm angry, I'm infinitely cuter when I'm happy and smiling and charming and bright.

Because in the long run, one lamentable little prick isn't going to imprint on my life too much. In the aspects of the life of me that matter, I have parents who love me, friends who are beyond belief, and essentially what amounts to a really great existence.

No anger, no drama - the lessons I've learned from my life gurus.

Also last night was just a beautiful night, how can you be angry in the face of such beauty?

The moon must have ended my bad mood.

It's all about <3 people, seriously. Just live in that vein and you won't go wrong. So in the spirit of <3, I'm going to try and see a whole bunch of the people I love today - I'm leaving now to visit, in turn, Lizzy, Farnam, Cheryl (if I can *find* her), and Meliss before the day is done.

Peace lovelies -