Saturday, July 01, 2006

...when we wake up we'll still be who we are...

My skin felt tight to bursting last night, so frustrated and hyper. We the People went to the G, I drank too much but not enough.

I wanted artificial happiness, chemical comfort. I wanted a distraction from someone who is affecting me very strongly. I want to pretend that I'm interested in everything and everyone else to eventually convince myself. So I speak French over the counter with a Maggie girl, while keeping my eye on the boy beside her. He hugged me when I first came in; she said I must have been dying inside and I was but not because of that but because of what pushed me to go there in the first place. Distraction boy bought me a drink then, and offered me more. Everyone was generous, the love is enormous. I turned down the first hit, thinking impulses shouldn't always be followed. The second came a couple hours later, when I wasn't thinking as clearly, he said "you want?" and I said... "yeah. I do".

I do I do I do.