Tuesday, June 06, 2006

...you deserve a better dressed girlfriend...

I've had an intermittent ongoing headache for two and a half days, big pain not small. I still have to go to work today though I didn't make it through the day yesterday at school - I did the spelling tests and edited the journals, and left at recess. Went home for 10:15, and decided to sleep it off. Waking up at around 2 in the afternoon, my first thought was about how odd the dream I had was. Odd in it's implausibility, although in content a little as well. It was a narrative dream, there was a story and the story, in some places, got very interesting. It's the subject that made me go hmmm. Why him? Why not the "other" him? The one I have been non-stop everyday thinking about (for the past couple of weeks, at least).

Well I just chalked it up to not being able to control your dreams. I would have left it at that except when I came home later that night after some drinking and hanging out, I went straight to bed where I proceeded to have another interesting dream, this time about the "other" him. Which could mean that you really do dream about people you are thinking about, which would mean that the first time around I was dreaming about someone I was thinking about. But I haven't been thinking about him. Have I?

Leanne's party last night was lovely - a good crowd, though I didn't stay long. Derelito stopped by and I stole him for a walk, and we took a meander down Dundas towards Chinatown, stopped at McDonalds on the way for chicken mcnuggets to go. It was good to see him. AND Nick called me yesterday, AND I spoke to Deanna, AND Melissa - so friend-wise my day was just great.