Thursday, March 09, 2006

...tori tori tori...

My last relationship, too, was "a sorta fairytale". That song is me. The video is even more so - two incomplete lovers kindasorta making it, but not quite. Everything not quite perfect, but even the small imperfections are integral. What's a head without a body?

Today was a slight lack of consciousness - inventory last night (for the second time in four weeks) left me zombie-like. I slept, shopped and ran into my old best friend, with whom I had coffee and a long, friendly, awkward-free chat for two hours; something that hasn't happened between us in two years.

Earlier and talking to a boy who has traveled across a long progressive path in his relationship with me: initially, I hated him. I found him obnoxious and immature and would not even bother. In the last couple of months, I found him... surprising. Every day I was finding out something that made me laugh, or say "awww". To say he is a nice guy is kind of an understatement. This week, well let's just say we're having ice cream next week. I don't know what that means exactly - ice cream isn't nearly as well-defined as coffee, or dinner and the movies. Ice cream could just be... ice cream. Which isn't a bad thing since the first big thing I realized about him in the past few weeks is that he is a wonderful friend, and that is just lovely.