Sunday, February 19, 2006

...a mango-shaped place...

Clearly it's no surprise to anyone that I am not as stable as I would like to pretend. Not eating (or, when doing so, badly eating), over-working and losing focus are hardly healthy reactions to emotional upheaval. Admittedly, I don't think anyone is hard-hearted enough not to be thrown when they hear "I don't love you, I never did" followed immediately by "I'm just not interested in your life outside of me". Especially on Valentine's Day. Even so. Skipping all those classes this week hardly helped the situation.

This weekend was an improvement - every day is. Every day that I manifest my... something... through the relatively harmless (except on the ears of my ever-patient neighbours) way of belting out to Kelly Clarkson in my killer boots, is an improvement. And if that day includes rampant and unashambed flirtation with someone that is so unbelievably wrong for me, even better. Icing-cake.

I passed on the first article for the writing gig. The topics were so incredibly asinine that I couldn't be bothered. I thought it was just me - that maybe in my charged state, any writing topic seems unfocused and irrelevent to me - but no, I had coffee with Janet the other night and she agreed that it was just frankly stupid. I have a neat spin on one of the next issues though, so that will fly. And another project in the works, with Iman and Roxie.

Incidently: I'm thrilled to have a friend named Roxie. Every time I see her, besides wanting to hug her adorableness, I want to grab her arm and start performing Chicago! in the middle of the store, pantyhose and heels, heavy make-up.

Tomorrow is Capocaccio with Amir, then making dinner with Rachel. Tuesday is seeing Match Point at the Varsity with Kate and Sara, then a book reception at Random House (Farnam are you going?), and a cocktail party. Wednesday is... I don't know yet, but I'm sure there's something. Sigh, there always is. Thursday is work, and Friday, and Saturday and Sunday - and then, suddenly my reading week is almost as if it never was. And we start again.