Sunday, June 19, 2005

...a music review [that flows]...

I never understood people who go and leave judgemental and offensive comments on people's blogs. It always made me question not only their credibility but also their anonymity. It's a horribly personal attack, and it seems incongruous in the face of that to hide who you really are.

I mean - who in this day and age has the time to read random blogs, and then write the author and insult them for not writing about what you want. First of all, how incredibly presumptuous. Second, does it make some big difference to your life, what I write about? [I suppose that could be flattering].

It's hard for me to believe random strangers would bother doing something like that, which is why I tend to think it's personal, and probably from someone I know in real life, outside of this intangible internet. Which is intriguing of course, because it makes me wonder who you are. But also frustrating, because really it's rather mean and I hardly see the point. Meanness for the sake of meanness is not really something I get.

There is of course always the chance that this mystery lady is a complete stranger, I won't rule that option out. If that's the case though, well frankly that's just sad.