Monday, June 06, 2005

...walked in crooked...

If I ever become a teacher, I am going to request a waspy school in a nice town with no issues, and boys only. If there's one thing I have learned in the last four weeks at Thornhill it is that I abhor teenage girls. They have this remarkable ability to rob you of your very identity and look right through you, from the middle of your forehead backtowards the blackboard. Where do they learn that? It's unnatural. Such mean spirited little creatures they are, too. And the fact that several of them are already involved in drug use and prostitution is frightening.

Tonight i am making dinner for Rachel, and we are girl-acting watching a movie. I have been completely singleminded on my hot boy high the past couple of weeks, so I need to take a breather and take in the rest of the world for a night.

If at all possible, I also need to do some reading for my literature course. We'll see. My priorities are a little screwey right now. At least, the boy's priorities are in perfect order. In telling me the rules of watching a movie with him: "If you're going to have to go to the bathroom, go now. We don't stop the movie for anything. Not for the bathroom, not for getting a drink of water. Not for severe injury. If you want to stop the movie to make out for a bit... well I'm not unreasonable. We can negotiate that."

I didn't need to do a lot of negotiating.

And now have gaps to fill in Bull Durham.