Saturday, February 12, 2005 is not that pretty...

croyez vous aux miracles? [aujourd'hui, non]

I'm sitting in my living room with my roommates, watching MAD TV. There's a strange little skit going on with an anal-retentive traveler who's lost his baggage, inside of which are his "very important papers". The man behind the counter doesn't speak English, just French. The Korean bag-help who says he speaks French only knows how to say "menage a trois" and "sacre bleu!". Everytime the bell rings at the counter, he jumps up and yells "Holla!". That part confused me. Then, we find his bag, and discover Papers is his pet dog. The bag-help yells "Holla!" again then cries "ooooh, le hot dog!" and everyone starts dancing the disco. At this point confusion becomes something infinitely more painful.

Is this what passes for comedy these days? Have we really fallen this far?

i) The most frustrating and difficult part of my vow of silence was watching Jeopardy with my family, and not being able to yell out the answers. They all laughed at me.

ii) "The People of Sparks" by Jeanne DuPrau - a wonderful kids book (9-12), I adored it.

iii) I had a customer from Atlanta this morning, and we spent a half hour speaking about Georgia and how beautiful it is, and I talked her ear off about my eternal love for Savannah, and then she bought four books on my recommendation. It was lovely.

Now there's a new skit. Two women and two transvestites, having a picnic. With muffins.

Oh... It's satiring Desperate Housewives, I gather. Everything is illuminated. It still isn't funny.