Saturday, February 05, 2005

...pretending infidel (oy with the geometry already!)...

In theory at least, I kept my cool and stood my ground. Granted, theory thins out over 800 miles, but I'm up to the challenge. Aren't I always?

But as it turns out, I might not even need to. The following comes from today's horoscope from The Star, which we know is an excellent predictor of things to come: "The crafty stratagems of some are nothing more than selfish, manipulative ploys in their effort to create a more secure world for themselves. There is, however, no real need to confront them, as long as you can see through the game. Especially, as others will soon see the truth, too."

In other news:

i) In his second act of unrequested kindness of the week, the Italian walked me to my destination last night. What is he playing at now?

ii) I got a raise, which means they like me. I didn't get as much as I wanted, which means they don't *love* me.

iii) Cash training today, most probably, and I am going to beg and plead for them to place me with Rob. I heart him, you have no idea. I sparkle when in his vicinity, bask in the glow of his smiles, all the usual cheesiness that accompanies the unrequieted ado-crushes.

iv) Part of me hopes that Steph told her friend to buy me a ticket with them as well for the concert. Part of me won't mind if she forgets. I'm all up for expanding my social boundaries, but the nerve-wracking that would ensue is frustrating. It's like high school, when you got this one completely out of the blue invite to eat lunch with the popular girls, and wanted to take it up but were so scared you'd mess up and they'd hate you, that you said you were busy knowing the invite would never come again, but at least casual indifference is preferable to comic detestation and mockery. They are, hands down, the "cool clique" of work.