Friday, February 04, 2005 and mabel...

I think the second I made Rene sit down and watch Britney Spears: In the Zone last night, he put any thoughts of reconciliation out of his head. I can't help it - she's that hot, and her catchy rhythms just take you over. It's like a sickness.

So that's that, a chapter closed much too long overdue.

This morning around 11, I'm getting my things together to leave when the fire alarm goes off. The strangest fire alarm ever, sounded like a hypermanic doorbell, with flashing lights inside the apartment and out. In boxers and my Esprit sweater, I went downstairs in socks - everyone looked at me funny because they all managed to remember coats. That would have been nice.

What also would have been nice? If he lived on the third floor and not the twenty third.