Thursday, February 03, 2005

...thinking i was so cool...

maybe everything was written in a book;
written, bound, then somehow lost
to years, the gently pressing weight of time's hand

and all we had to do was find it
buried as it was under a gossamer web
of passing moments in changing lands.

don't you wonder where we would be
had we found the text of our existence
and followed carefully, carefully
along the paths laid carefully, carefully
before us; if the prudence
and wisdom of the world really was ours to see?

maybe we were meant to be entrusted
to the capable hands of space and time,
and everything had been planned

but the plan was missed, never read
since written and bound, was somehow lost
to years and now where we stand,
a new road is at hand.

The other day some friends were talking about music, love for music, downloading music, do we still buy music, etc. and I found myself saying "Of course people still buy music - I mean, my boyfriend has almost 700 CD's in his collection".

(stunned silence, mostly on my part)

The problem with no-strings attached relationships is that the longer they last, the more involved you get despite your own best intentions. Add a couple of more complicated twists to the tale - i.e. ex-boyfriend, wants to get back together, he gives you a key to his place, you've been spending more time with him lately than anyone else - and you have one very confused little girl. Who suddenly called him her boyfriend.

I need to stick to my original thoughts on the matter: no-strings, physical involvements are bad. They are never good. Ever. I have no intentions of getting back together with him, fine. That means I don't see him. Period. Otherwise madness ensues. I decided this yesterday, and I was very firm on the matter.

And yet, there's a -HUGE- part of me which just wants to say... uhh... yeah, let's just keep doing this.