Tuesday, February 08, 2005

...carpe! carpe! diem! diem!...

"It's just SEX!" she cries out, exasperated.

Even though he was in love with her.
Even though they were together for a year and a half.
Even though they only broke up three weeks ago.

I have been telling her not to, that he'll get hurt, that she's being selfish. She says she's not his mommy, that she made it clear there were no expectations. But just in case, to make sure he really understood that, she talked to him tonight on the phone for 45 minutes, during which she brought up my own recent kerfuffle with Rene as a comparison, quoting me as having said what she is doing is worse because "neither of us had any expectations about where this was going".

She misquoted me, first of all. I told her that. We had expectations, of course we did BUT as soon as we realised our paths, and what we wanted were different, we stopped anything we were doing. Further, we hadn't been together for over two years, we'd had plenty of time to consider what we wanted. Further MORE, we were never as emotionally invested in each other as she and hers and her year and a half.

"Dude, we're not talking about you and Rene right now". Right, so what was his reaction? Why did you bring it up again? "To make sure he knows it won't lead anywhere".

So there, she's sure. Or at least sure enough to know whether he believes it or not, whether he might get hurt or not, it's not going to stop her. I tell her so. I also tell her that she's like a black widow spider.

"I swear to god, if you get in the way of me and sex, I will CUT you" - manic, like a psycho killer. Like a black widow spider.


I told her I wouldn't stop her. I'd be going against girlfriend rule #n: Thou shalt not cockblock. Even at the expense of little boys with unsound judgement. Even if he's going to be eaten alive (parden the pun).

"Oh well", I say to her before signing off, "if you are going to go out, what a way to go".