Monday, November 29, 2004

...teach me about Ultimate Fighting Champions...

There's a half-foot step in front of the main doors to the law library, and you always forget it's there, so when you go to leave you step down hard, jostling, and putting undo pressure on your knee and hip. I am convinced that the step is there for the reason that when students leave after hours of absorbing mindnumbingly boring texts and case histories, their minds and bodies are congealed and need that jostle to be able to function later in the real world.

I hate the law library, incidentally. They have these leather and metal chairs whose comfort is a trick of the mind. It starts off comfortable and you think mmm this is nice, but then the leather starts edging into your legs and it's uncomfortable and bad and you realise it's probably because that little bit of discomfort will take your attention and keep you awake while reading really boring material, and then you think damn this faculty is crafty. And then you resent them a little bit. I am not impressed.

Except by the wierd rack things in the stacks downstairs, where you have to turn this crank to move the stacks because there is no room for them all. And you think where can all these books have come from? Have there really been this many law cases in the history of law to necessitate cranks?

This essay is going to be so interesting - the law part is more interesting than the morality bit, so many nice loop holes to figure out. But unfortunately he wants more philosophy and less technicality in the essay. I'm in the wrong course. I should be in law school already, I would have so much fun. Researching earlier, I kept getting distacted by the SCR volumes and reading all these old cases people probably don't remember anymore unless they are crazy lawyers and have them all memorized, and it was fun.

I went to Red Lobster and I feel fat. Fix me.