Saturday, October 16, 2004

...i'm going to shake up the system...

I'm going to ignore the massive pile of essays I have to have done by Friday (three of them) long enough to go see Justin's show with Lizzy tomorrow night. At the same time, I am going to be silly and naive and optimistic and hold out on the chance that Barber will be there - to this end, I will be holding nothing back as far as style is concerned. I think the time is ripe for the reemergence of the zebra earrings. If I can find them, I have no idea where they are. Haven't seen them in almost a year.

I just gotta say respectfully
I would love it if you took the cameras off me

From Lindsay Lohan's new song, Rumors. To which I say, yeah the fuck right. Because you are doing all of this so that the cameras will be *off* of you. And please, if you're going to play at being a singer, at least try for a teensy bit of originality. I know it's tough in this age of ditto consumerism but for my sake, make an effort. This song is completely Britney. "My Prerogative" for the bopper generation - the lite version. So frustrating. Stupid chit.

I was bad last night... let my petty 5-year old come out to play, and please don't hold it against me.

I have to download a work itinerary for 11am, and my computer doesn't seem to like the file. This could be a problem.