Friday, October 15, 2004

...ack rosemary...

Fuck, I stubbed my toe in the sprint for the phone (sprinting on meds - takes skill), and then it was just AM wanting to know why I'm not calling him, why I'm ignoring him...

I hate you I hate you I HATE YOU - WHY have you lost your fucking mind? Be my best AM friend again and get this flirtation nonesense out of your system. I love you but I don't, like, LOVE you. You know?

You know.

Had a chat with Lauryn Hill tonight. By which I mean she sang, I listened. I learned - "this second verse is dedicated to the men...". Then I got bored of the constant talk of this nature, and listened to To Zion instead. Because it's a love song, for her son. Which is beautiful, to me.

It could be appendicitis, could be an ulcer. Could be a host of different things. Apparently shares some of the same symptoms as a stroke as well, but that's like impossible at 20. Right?

Inna if I don't call you tomorrow, it's just because I'm dumb and forgot, so you call me but do not worry! Or, not much anyway. I love how you worry - makes me feel loved. Oh my Inna, when next shall we go to Thornhill greasy-spoon diner for steak sandwiches?: My arteries are feeling sorely neglected. We should get on that.

My body is tired and my head is wired. Sleep is being a non-happening. This is what coffee does to you. That, and double vision. Let that be a lesson to you.