Sunday, September 12, 2004

...16.exe that is on the cd...

i) There is a paragraph that is missing. By missing I mean... well yes, missing is correct.

ii) I am officially a grownup - by virtue of the garage sale across the street, today I acquired a toaster, a complete cutlery set with plastic drawer tray, and 10-bottle wine rack. Also, I wore tweed and pearls.

iii) I lied, I'm not grown up yet - I sang along to Raffi. Also, I wore green stripey toe socks. With the tweed. And pearls.

iv) I'm going to fight with Farnam over the rights to the word "clearly". By which I mean, I love her and therefore we will share the credits. (But secretly, I will always maintain I used it first. And secretlier, she will maintain that she did).

v) Ring a bell?